Take Action to Get Oregon a Stronger Wolf Plan

Here we go again!  The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife is slated to kill two more members of the Harl Butte pack this week.  The only way to stop this is to change the policies and regulations guiding wolf management, which is to say, update the Wolf Conservation and Management Plan.  That’s why we need Governor Brown to step in and get her wildlife agency back on track.  

CALL GOVERNOR BROWN at 503-378-4582.

Here’s a sample script that I put together. Remember that the person who answers the phone is not the decision maker, so please be kind and respectful.  

Sample Script
My name is ____ and I am calling regarding the recent killing of two members of the Harl Butte wolf pack and ODFW’s decision today to kill two more members.  I am deeply disappointed and concerned. The outdated wolf plan needs to be updated so that critical issues like transparency, accountability, and deployment of non-lethal methods can be fully addressed.  The public deserves better for our wildlife. 

If you’d like to follow up on your call by taking additional action, please send Governor Brown a letter using this link.  

Thank you.

Danielle Moser
Wildlife Coordinator

Photo Credits
Oregon Wild