Taking the next steps to defend the Northwest Forest Plan
Share your personal connection to the Pacific Northwest’s breathtaking old-growth forests and urge the Forest Service to strengthen protections for these vital landscapes rather than weaken them.
The forests of the Pacific Northwest are among the most breathtaking and biologically diverse ecosystems in the world. From towering old-growth trees that have stood for centuries to pristine streams teeming with salmon, these forests provide habitat for countless species, safeguard clean drinking water, and serve as a vital natural ally in the fight against climate change. They also have been home to Tribal communities for time immemorial, providing first foods and other cultural uses.
But now, these iconic landscapes are at risk. As you know, the Forest Service has proposed a plan that would weaken the Northwest Forest Plan—the landmark policy that has protected our forests, water, and wildlife for nearly 30 years. If enacted, these changes could double or even triple logging, target mature and old-growth trees, and sideline the protections that communities and ecosystems depend on.
We urgently need your voice to defend these forests. Personalized comments from people who love and rely on these public lands are the most powerful way to influence the Forest Service’s decisions.
As a token of our appreciation for taking action to protect the forests we all love, everyone who submits personalized comments to the Forest Service and forwards their confirmation email to vw@oregonwild.org will be entered in a raffle for cool Oregon Wild swag, like a t-shirt, hat, or Oregon’s Ancient Forests: A Hiking Guide.
Whether you’ve hiked beneath towering canopies, fished in cold, clear streams, or simply value these forests as a legacy for future generations, your story can make a difference.
Why Personalized Comments Matter
When you share your unique connection to the forests of the Northwest Forest Plan, you show decision-makers why these landscapes are worth protecting. Comments that express personal experiences carry more weight than pre-written letters because they demonstrate the depth of public support for conservation.
Talking Points to Help You Write Your Comment:
- The Importance of Old-Growth and Mature Forests: Mature and old-growth forests are natural carbon-storing champions, resilient against wildfire, and critical to mitigating climate change. Logging them would worsen the biodiversity and climate crises.
- Wildlife Habitat and Clean Water: These forests provide essential habitat for imperiled species like the northern spotted owl, marbled murrelet, and coho salmon. They also filter and protect drinking water for communities across the Pacific Northwest.
- Forest Reserves Are Vital: The Forest Service should strengthen or expand protections for forest reserves under the Northwest Forest Plan to recruit more habitat, protect streams, and enhance carbon storage—not reduce them or open them to logging.
- Support Tribal Sovereignty and Environmental Justice: Management decisions should reflect Tribal stewardship practices, uphold sovereignty, and ensure meaningful consultation and engagement with Tribal communities. Pairing these components with the Forest Service’s plan for weakened environmental protections is a false choice manufactured by the agency.
- Your Personal Connection: Share your unique experiences in these forests—your favorite hiking trail, a family camping trip, or simply why these wild places matter to you.
For more resources, you can refer to our analysis of the Forest Service proposal or watch our recent webcast How to Save the Northwest Forest Plan.
Now is the time to speak up! We need as many personalized submissions as possible to show overwhelming public support for protecting these forests.
Thank you for standing with us to protect the majestic forests of the Pacific Northwest. Together, we can ensure that these irreplaceable landscapes remain a haven for wildlife, a source of clean water, and a legacy for generations to come.