About Oregon Wild

Warren Miller

Our Mission

Oregon Wild works to protect and restore Oregon’s wildlands, wildlife, and waters as an enduring legacy for future generations.
Woodpecker by Randy Gicker
Randy Gicker

Founded in 1974, Oregon Wild represents the fish and wildlife, ancient forests, and rich diversity of public lands and landscapes that make this state so special. We work to protect and restore the parts of the natural world that do not have a human voice, while not forgetting that humans are interconnected with nature and its systems.

Across five decades we have successfully fought to protect nearly two million acres of Wilderness, over 2,000 miles of Wild & Scenic Rivers, countless endangered wildlife, vast stretches of old-growth forests, and essential ecosystems all across the state.

Our staff is spread out across the state in four regional offices that rely on the strength of an active grassroots network of Oregon Wild members, activists, and volunteers. We advocate for Oregon’s unique environments through a combination of education, public communications, direct lobbying, grassroots activism, and partnering with and elevating allied groups and voices. Whether in the courts or the court of public opinion, we will always be there to fight for the wild.

Our Vision

We envision an Oregon where nature doesn’t just survive, but thrives.
acres of wilderness protected
wild & scenic rivers
email activists
Members and counting

Our Values


We believe nature has value for its own sake. We are humble in the face of complex systems that we may not fully understand and should not assume that we can control or dominate. Science is our guide but we recognize that scientific inquiry is a process with answers that evolve over time and may shift in unexpected ways. Nature generally knows best and it has a right to flourish on its own.


We believe that our democratic rights and environmental laws should be protected and exercised. People power matters more than the power of money and grassroots action is the cornerstone of all societal change. Litigation is not a dirty word. The laws protecting endangered species, clean water, and wild forests should be vigorously enforced. No one is above the law. Elected leaders and extractive industries should be held accountable for self-dealing, exploitation, and corruption.


We believe in standing for our principles – and getting results. We strive to be as collaborative as possible and as resolute as necessary in pursuing our mission. We seek to create strength by uniting diverse allies together around a cause, but we are not afraid to stand on an island for what is right. We will not let our desire for sweeping change stand in the way of real, but incremental progress, and we will not be seduced by easy compromise when we know fighting harder will lead to a better result.


We believe in giving ‘em hell. We are tenacious and resolved. We are a thorn in the side of the powers that continue to exploit Oregon. We don’t back down from difficult fights and seemingly insurmountable challenges. We are not afraid to uncover important issues and expose those who would block progress. We’ve stuck around for 50 years by being persistent, dogged, and scrappy.


We are not separate from, but a part of nature. And while we hold no right to dominate nature, it relies on us to protect it just as much as we rely on it for clean water, clean air, and a livable planet. We also understand that movements for societal change are interconnected and building wide and deep coalitions helps us win. Just as Oregon’s landscapes thrive when biodiversity is protected, we will thrive by honoring and leveraging human diversity.

Since our official founding in 1974, Oregon Wild has been at the center of every major public lands and wildlife conservation battle in the state. We’ve carved out a well-earned reputation as fierce advocates for the wild and earned the respect of environmentalists, industry CEOs, politicians, and pundits.

Oregon Wild Waldo Lake Rally in the 1980's
Oregon Wild

The Oregon Wild team is spread all across the state but is united in our passion for protecting Oregon’s wild places and wildlife.

James Armostrong

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