Our Work
Helping Wildlife Thrive
We protect species for their sake and ours.

Our grandchildren, and their grandchildren, deserve the chance to fish for wild salmon in the Clackamas and Rogue rivers. To see bald eagles soar over Upper Klamath Lake. To hear the howl of wolves echo across the backcountry of the Blue Mountains.
In the face of the biodiversity crisis we protect species for their own sake while recognizing that healthy environments with abundant wildlife are a cornerstone of human health and wellbeing.
Oregon Wild Campaigns
We work to eliminate threats like habitat loss, climate impacts, poaching, and exploitation to wildlife in every corner of the state.

Saving Imperiled Species
Keystone species shape whole ecosystems. When they do well, we all do well. So we’re restoring the beaver to the Beaver State. We’re supporting tribal partners in reintroducing sea otters and condors. Our levers include defending the Endangered Species Act and securing funding for statewide wildlife conservation programs.

Wolves Come Home to Oregon
Advocating for the recovery of this iconic species has been a flagship campaign of our wildlife program since its creation. Oregon’s wolf population is slowly growing across the state, from zero after eradication efforts in the 1940s to about 180 today. Now wolves need us to support their full recovery.

Stopping Poaching
To combat one of the largest threats to fish and wildlife in our state, Oregon Wild and partners launched a reward program to incentivize the public to turn in poachers.