Contact Us

We’d like to hear from you! Reach out with any questions, comments, or concerns regarding Oregon Wild or our work.

Cody Clark

Main Office


5825 N. Greeley Ave.
Portland, OR 97217

Tel: 503-283-6343

Tel: Donor Inquiries –
(503) 283-6343 Ext. 224

Field Offices

Western Oregon

1238 Lincoln St.
Eugene, OR 97401

Tel: 541-344-0675

Central Oregon

2843 NW Lolo Dr. #257
Bend, OR 97703

Tel: 541-382-2616

Northeast Oregon

P.O. Box 48
Enterprise, OR 97828

Tel: 541-886-0212

To get in touch with Oregon Wild, please reach out to or fill out the following form.

Staff Contacts

Membership Information:
Rachel Mireles

Media Inquiries:
Arran Robertson

Cartography Questions:
Erik Fernandez

General Inquiries

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    *Oregon Wild is not an animal rescue organization. There are many great non-profits and government agencies that work to help stranded or injured animals. Please search for your local Humane Society or Audubon if you are concerned about the well-being of a wild animal at risk.

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    Staying informed is the first step to becoming a public lands and native wildlife advocate.