
Our Forests and the Farm Bill with Congresswoman Andrea Salinas

June 19, 2024

Congresswoman Andrea Salinas

The Farm Bill, federal legislation that is reauthorized and updated every five years, is currently making its way through Congress. This legislation is complex and vitally important, touching on numerous programs, policies, and landscapes across the US and Oregon, including our forests.

In recent decades, this bill has been used to cram harmful policies through Congress, like expanding loopholes for commercial logging, undermining endangered species protections, and rolling back bedrock environmental and public accountability laws. While the Farm Bill can prop up harmful forest practices, it also has the potential to support forest health, clean our drinking water, and take action to slow climate change.

A good Farm Bill can benefit everyone, while a bad Farm Bill can exploit our environment and communities to enrich a select few individuals and industries.

Oregon Wild is proud to host Congresswoman Andrea Salinas for a conversation on the state of the upcoming Farm Bill, what is in it, and how you can influence this critical legislation to make Oregon’s forests, waterways, and communities stronger, more resilient, and healthier.

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