Join the Keystone Circle

Robert Solomon
Just as keystone species have a tremendous impact on the health and future of their natural ecosystems, the Keystone Circle will set the course for the future health of Oregon’s wild places.

Including Oregon Wild in your planned giving is easy and each person’s plan can be as varied and unique as the wild places that inspire us. Legacy giving isn’t just for the wealthy. Whether $500 or $50 million, every legacy gift makes a difference and helps ensure that Oregon Wild will be fighting for what’s most important to you long after you’ve reached the end of the trail.

Camp Sherman Seedling by Robyn Midori
Robyn Midori

Create Your Legacy

We’ve partnered with FreeWill to give you a simple online tool to write a legally valid will in 20 minutes or less — for free!

Already have a will or trust?

It’s easy to add Oregon Wild as a beneficiary. If you have already included Oregon Wild in your will or trust or plan to add us, please notify us via email at or fill out the form below.

Bridal Veil Creek by Daniel Rappaport
Daniel Rappaport
So, what will your legacy be?
  • Protecting the last remaining old-growth forests in Oregon.
  • Restoring ecosystems throughout Oregon that contain healthy populations of native wildlife including salmon and gray wolves.
  • Preserving the places in Oregon that are cherished by you and your family.

Make the protection and restoration of Oregon’s wildlands, wildlife, and waters your enduring legacy for future generations.

Jocelyn Ogle

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Staying informed is the first step to becoming a public lands and native wildlife advocate.