Salmon River Trail

Salmon River Trail by Marielle Cowdin


Difficulty: Easy to Moderate
Distance:  Up to 6 miles round trip
Elevation Gain: minimal
Season: All year
Notes: A parking pass or permit is required at this trailhead
This hike is featured in “Oregon’s Ancient Forests: A hiking guide” – Get the book here!

About this Hike

The Salmon River provides key habitat for salmon and other wildlife. The area is also one of the most easily accessible true old-growth forests in close proximity to the Portland metro region.

Begin by descending toward the Salmon River and then following it through massive Douglas-firs, western redcedars, and some hemlock. All the classic and essential elements of an ancient forest are present, including large down wood, snags, a mixture of tree species and ages, and multiple canopy layers. After 0.6 mile, the trail crosses a small creek on a bridge and then passes several side trails for accessing the river. When it climbs some steps leading away from the river, be prepared to get up close and personal with an incredible cedar tree—ten to twelve feet in diameter and impossible to miss. With the trail so close to the river, many tall bigleaf maples draped in moss contribute to the feeling of being in a rainforest.

Past the 1-mile point, side trails from the road join the main trail, and you’ll cross a small bouldery creek (dry in the summer) after 1.3 miles. At about 1.7 miles, the trail joins the road, where you need to walk for a short way before ducking back into the forest—here not as old, but at about 2 miles you are back among ancient trees and have a view across the river. Pass by the Green Canyon Campground at 2.5 miles and through more of a riparian forest before climbing back up to the road and following that for another short stretch. Just over 3 miles, the “Old” Salmon River Trail ends at a large parking area right before a bridge over the river. The trail continues into the Wilderness past the end of the road.

Getting There

Travel east out of Portland on US Highway 26 through Sandy and toward Mount Hood. As you approach the town of Zigzag, turn right onto Salmon River Road just before the Zigzag Ranger Station. Drive 2.7 miles to the first trailhead and roadside parking area on the right. Other sections of the trail can be reached at parking areas further down the road.

Take Action

Oregon Wild has worked to protect this narrow gap (called the “keyhole”) along the Wild & Scenic Salmon River and between sections of the Salmon-Huckleberry Wilderness for years. (Learn more about these efforts here.) Help support our forest defense efforts for northwest forests like these here.

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