The Hidden Toll of Roads: Protecting Wildlife In A World of Highways

A small black bear hurries over a road

🚨 Did you know that over a million animals are killed by vehicles every single day in the U.S.? 🚨

With wildlife already facing enormous challenges like habitat loss, poaching, and competition from invasive species, the staggering number of animals lost to road collisions is pushing conservationists and scientists to find innovative solutions. That’s where road ecology comes in!

In this eye-opening webcast, award-winning author Ben Goldfarb his latest book, Crossings: How Road Ecology is Shaping the Future of Our Planet. We explore the far-reaching ecological damage caused by transportation and how we can redesign our infrastructure to create a safer world for wildlife and humans alike.

From wildlife overpasses for mountain lions to tunnels for toads and removing harmful logging roads, the solutions are as inspiring as they are necessary.

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