Webcast: The Road to 30×30

Scientists worldwide agree that in order to protect biodiversity and address global climate change, bold action towards conservation is needed: they recommend working to conserve 30% of the planet’s natural land and oceans by the year 2030 (known as the “30×30 initiative”).

Join us for this webcast that will explore how conserving 30% of the U.S.’s lands and waters can meet these goals and benefit all Americans. We’ll hear from Lauren Bogard, Director of Campaigns & Special Projects with the Center for Western Priorities. Lauren is heading up the “Road to 30: Postcards” campaign – a multimedia compilation to tell the stories of local people and organizations working to conserve specific landscapes, showing the breadth and depth of support that is driving conservation efforts across the country as a way to encourage the Biden administration to use its administrative tools to support on-the-ground conservation opportunities in order to reach the 30×30 goal.

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