Defending the Northwest Forest Plan
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Scientific NameArborimus longicaudus Size6-8” in length HabitatOld-growth Douglas-fir StatusFederal species of concern; Listed as “sensitive”...
Scientific NameUrsus americanus Size5-6 feet long; 125-500 lbs. HabitatForests with streams and wetlands. StatusNot listed...
Scientific NameHaliaeetus leucocephalus SizeAverage wingspan of 7’ HabitatAreas near large bodies of water with large...
Scientific NamePicoides arcticus Size9.1 inches long weighs 61-88g Habitatboreal and montane coniferous forest, especially areas...
Scientific NameUrocyon cineroargenteus Size30-45 inches long, weighs 7-11 lbs Habitatheavily wooded swamps and rough hilly...
Scientific NameEnhydra lutris Size4-4.5 feet long, 45-65 pounds HabitatTemperate, coastal waters with rocky or soft...
Scientific NameDeltistes luxatus (Lost River sucker) and Chasmistes brevirostris (shortnose sucker) SizeUp to 20 inches...
Scientific NamePhilotiella leona SizeWingspan of ¾”-1” HabitatOpen, ashy scrubland with abundant buckwheat StatusNot listed on...
Scientific NameAcipenser medirostris SizeUp to 7’ long and 350 lbs HabitatBays, estuaries and near-shore oceanic...
Scientific NameAthene Cunicularia Size6 ounces, 10 inches in length HabitatWide open rangeland with short grass...
Scientific NameBrachyramphus marmoratus Size10” average length HabitatCalm coastal waters and bays StatusState endangered and federally...
Scientific NameSalvelinus confluentus SizeUp to 10” and 4 pounds HabitatParticularly cold streams and rivers with...
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