Oregon Wild is excited to once again participate in the Public Interest Environmental Law Conference (PIELC) in Eugene this Friday through Sunday! As the largest and longest-running event of its kind, this conference brings together activists, advocates, attorneys, scientists, government officials, and concerned citizens from around the world to share knowledge and strategies for protecting the environment and advancing social justice. Best of all, it’s free and open to the public!
This is a great chance to learn more about Oregon Wild’s work and how you can get involved. Check out the schedule below for panels featuring our staff, and don’t forget to stop by our table in the law school lobby to say hello!
View the full PIELC program and schedule
Friday, Feb. 28
Pursuing the Nation’s First Old-Growth Amendment & Shifting the US Forest Service Culture 9:00-10:30 AM | EMU Rm 119 Exploring the National Old-Growth Amendment (NOGA) and Public Lands Rule, this panel examines policy conflicts within federal agencies and the future of old-growth forest management. Oregon’s Drinking Water Crisis 9:00-10:30 AM | Law 184 Climate change, deforestation, and agricultural practices threaten Oregon’s drinking water. This panel discusses resilience strategies and the potential for a 2028 ballot measure to safeguard water sources. What’s Next for Public Lands in Oregon? 1:30-3:00 PM | EMU Rm 232 This panel explores ongoing threats and opportunities for public land conservation. |
Saturday, March 1
Western Wolves in the Crosshairs: Politics, Poaching & Protections 8:30-10:00 AM | Law 142 Wolves in the western U.S. face inconsistent protections, rising poaching, and policy challenges. This panel examines legal frameworks, scientific findings, and conservation efforts. A Just World is Possible: Oregon Leaders Respond to the 2024 Election 10:15-11:45 AM | Law 142 Environmental and political leaders discuss the impact of the 2024 election on climate, conservation, and justice efforts in Oregon. Stop Extinction: Solutions to the Biodiversity Crisis 10:15-11:45 AM | Law 242 With nearly one-third of U.S. species at risk, this panel explores local, national, and global strategies to combat the biodiversity crisis. |
Sunday, March 2
Ignoring Science, Policy & NEPA: BLM’s Push to Log Western Oregon’s Last Best Forests 9:00-10:30 AM | Law 142 BLM is pushing aggressive logging in Western Oregon’s last intact old-growth forests, bypassing NEPA analysis and federal conservation policies. Panelists will discuss legal battles challenging these actions and the future of BLM lands. |
📷 Bryce Wade