
An archive of Oregon Wild Webcasts. Learn about upcoming presentations.

Webcast: Strengthening Our Democracy: Insights from Tribal Democracy Project

When democracy works and the values of all people are reflected in decisions, water, wildlife, and landscapes are safeguarded. When a narrower group of wealthy interests are the only ones with a seat at the table, these values are degraded. Oregon Wild believes in a functioning and healthy representative democracy for all; one in which people power matters more than the power of money. Oregonians deserve fair elections and leaders who listen to them before listening to big donors.

Webcast: The Future of Our Forests

In the final weeks of 2023, two far-reaching policy processes were unveiled that could shape the future of our forests for generations to come.

Webcast: Update on the Elliott State Research Forest

The Elliott State Forest is one of the crown jewels of the Oregon Coast Range. It is a stronghold for federally listed marbled murrelets, northern spotted owls, and Coho salmon, and has some of the last remaining old-growth forests left in Oregon State forests. The Elliott has historically been one of Oregon's most conflicted landscapes, but in recent years, stakeholders have come together to forge a new collaborative path forward.

Webcast: Dammed to Extinction

The early-to-mid 20th Century was marked by an era of dam building across the United States. These dams came at a cost to watersheds, freshwater ecosystems, and indigenous communities. Every year, millions of salmon were blocked from reaching their historic spawning beds, eventually resulting in the collapse of salmon runs across the west. The Columbia River basin was once home to the world's most productive chinook salmon runs. These fish traveled all the way into the central mountains of Idaho to spawn.

Webcast: Hiking the Tillamook State Forest

The Tillamook and Clatsop State Forests in the northern Oregon Coast Range are an unappreciated wonder. Surrounded by clearcut logging plantations, the Tillamook and Clatsop provide a possible refuge for the wild plants, fish, and animals that were once abundant throughout the Oregon Coast Range but whose presence has been diminished by corporate tree farms. It is also an incredible place for hiking and exploring, offering opportunities for solitude where so many other places in Oregon feel like they're bursting at the seams.

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