Protect our forests from city-sized clearcuts!
Tell your Senators to oppose the dangerous Fix Our Forests Act, a trojan horse for 15 square mile clearcuts on our public lands!
The so-called “Fix Our Forests Act” — which should really be called the “Clearcut Our Public Lands Act” — recently passed the House on a bi-partisan vote, 279 – 141. Unfortunately, proponents of this harmful bill successfully weaponized disinformation around the horrific Los Angeles wildfires, and 60 Democrats voted in favor of it — including Oregon Representatives Val Hoyle and Janelle Bynum. Now the bill is at risk of being fast-tracked through the Senate, with a real danger that this damaging piece of legislation ends up on Trump’s desk to be signed into law.
We need to let our Senators know to oppose this reckless bill.
Fix Our Forests is a trojan horse for removing science from land management decisions, a large-scale rollback of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and removing public oversight across millions of acres of federal lands. The bill could have devastating consequences for our forests, endangered species, drinking water, and community safety.
The bill ignores proven community protection measures like defensible space, emergency planning, and home hardening. Instead, it prioritizes giveaways to the logging industry, opening up millions of acres of public lands to reckless logging and clearcuts up to 15 square miles in size. For comparison, that is 80 times larger than the clearcuts allowed on private lands in Oregon, roughly the size of the entire city of Corvallis.
Please reach out to your Senator, urge them to oppose the Fix Our Forests Act, and pursue policies that actually make our forests healthier and communities safer.