Oregon Wild is saddened to learn of the recent passing of Jim Baker, a long-time advocate for the McKenzie River and old-growth forests state-wide.
Jim was a labor union organizer, a lineman for a telephone company, a rural resident, and a ferocious advocate for his beloved McKenzie River during the heyday of old-growth clearcutting in Oregon. He was among Oregon Wild’s earliest members, attending meetings and conferences as far back as 1974, and he went on to become our longest-serving board member before his retirement in 2012.
He leaves an enormous legacy for all Oregonians who treasure our state’s wildlands, wildlife, and waters. During his time as an Oregon Wild board member and volunteer, the organization protected more than a million acres of public lands as Wilderness and Wild and Scenic Rivers, stopped a proposal to build more dams on the Klamath River, welcomed gray wolves back to the state, and blocked the clear-cutting of hundreds of thousands of acres of old-growth forest.
Wildlife conservation groups today announced a $10,000 reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction for the illegal killing of a collared male wolf in Klamath County late last fall.
The illegal killing of wolf OR-103 near Klamath Falls in October 2022 was first publicly reported by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on Dec. 15. The Oregon Wildlife Coalition and conservation partners have a standing reward offer to assist in prosecutions of illegal wolf killings. This $10,000 is in addition to a $5,000 reward offered by the Service, amounting to a combined offer of $15,000.
The federally protected Oregon-born wolf was accidentally captured in the winter of 2021 by a USDA Wildlife Services trap that the agency had set for coyotes in Deschutes County. After being radio-collared and released, OR-103 exhibited a severe paw injury likely caused by the trap. He dispersed to California, where he remained until returning to Oregon last July.
OR-103’s injury greatly hampered his ability to hunt wild prey and he instead preyed on a number of livestock, which are much easier to hunt. Upon returning to Oregon, OR-103 was implicated in more livestock predations over the next few months. In early October, his death was discovered.
“OR-103 didn’t deserve to die like this, and I hope the people who know what happened will do the right thing and come forward,” said Amaroq Weiss, senior wolf advocate at the Center for Biological Diversity. “Vigilante-style killings of wolves are both morally wrong and illegal.”
This new illegal killing marked the fifth known wolf poaching in Oregon in 2022. It followed the gruesome illegal poisoning deaths of multiple wolves in 2021 in the state’s northeast. Eight wolves from four different packs, including all members of the Catherine Pack, were poisoned in neighboring Union County, in incidents between February and July of 2021.
“Oregonians value native wildlife as well as justice and that’s why we have such generous rewards for the poaching of wolves and other species,” said Danielle Moser, wildlife program manager for Oregon Wild. “We want poachers of all species to be looking over their shoulders and wondering who is going to turn them in.”
“Poaching is a serious crime that undermines science-based wildlife management and disrespects people and wildlife alike,” said Bethany Cotton, conservation director for Cascadia Wildlands. “We ask the public to call Oregon’s TIP line with any information they may have to ensure accountability, and we ask both federal and state officials to aggressively investigate and prosecute those responsible.”
Anyone with information regarding the OR-103 case is urged to contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at (503) 682-6131 or the Oregon State Police TIP line at (800) 452-7888. Callers may remain anonymous.
Over the past 22 years, at least 34 wolves are known to have been illegally killed in Oregon, and two more were found dead under mysterious circumstances, according to authorities. At least three of these wolves, including OR-103, were found dead in Klamath County and at least one in neighboring Lake County. Arrests and convictions have been made in only three of the 36 deaths.
However, since 2011 wolves in the eastern one-third of Oregon have not had federal protections and have been managed solely by the state. In 2015 the state Fish and Wildlife Commission prematurely stripped wolves of state endangered species act protections.
Scientific research has shown that removing protections for wolves is associated with increased illegal killings of wolves, and that for every illegally slain wolf found, another oneto two wolves have been killed that will remain undiscovered.
At last count, Oregon had a minimum of 175 wolves. Following a significant increase in poaching, Oregon’s 2021 wolf count showed the state’s wolf population grew by the lowest percentage (just over 1%) since wolves naturally returned to the state. The 2021 minimum population of 175 wolves increased by just two animals from the 2020 minimum count of 173. The 2022 population count is expected in April.
The Oregon Wildlife Coalition includes the Center for Biological Diversity, Oregon Wild, Cascadia Wildlands, Portland Audubon, Defenders of Wildlife, the Humane Society of the United States, Humane Voters Oregon and Western Environmental Law Center. The additional conservation partner contributing to this standing reward offer is Speak for Wolves.
The Center for Biological Diversity is a national, nonprofit conservation organization with more than 1.7 million members and online activists dedicated to the protection of endangered species and wild places.
Oregon Wild works to protect and restore Oregon’s wildlands, wildlife and waters as an enduring legacy for future generations
Cascadia Wildlands defends and restores Cascadia’s wild ecosystems in the forests, in the courts and in the streets.
The Klamath Mountains that span northwest California and southwest Oregon are a place of endless wonder. The region’s climate, geology, water, fire, plants, and animals all contribute to the Klamaths being one of the most biodiverse temperate mountain ranges on Earth. Oregon Wild caught up with Michael Kauffmann, an ecologist and author of the recently published The Klamath Mountains: A Natural History, to learn about what makes this place so unique.
OW: What sets the Klamath Mountains apart from other ranges in Oregon and California?
KAUFFMANN: The Klamath Mountains are old—built by rock that is older than other mountains around it. The newer Cascades and Coast Range, surrounding the Klamath Mountains, are less biodiverse—in part—because they are younger. In between these newer landscapes, time and disturbance have moved slower and offered a refuge for biota from other western regions including the Great Basin Desert, the mesic world of the Pacific Northwest, and the Mediterranean-type climate of the California Floristic Province. Being at a crossroads of geology and climate is why the Klamath Mountains nurture unparalleled biodiversity.
OW: What makes this region so special to you?
KAUFFMANN: Conifers come first. In 2012 I published my first book Conifer Country which defines and maps these ancient plants within one of the most biodiverse temperate coniferous forests on Earth. My quest to understand regional conifers, find the rarest stands, and climb many mountains to do so took me to a multitude of unique nooks. I have seen the Klamath Mountains from all angles, decorated by amazing plants, throughout the seasons—nurturing a deep love for the Region.
OW: In writing your natural history of the Klamath Mountains, did you discover any things that surprised you?
KAUFFMANN: Yes, there is so much more to learn! People have been documenting, describing, and celebrating the amazing life in the region for millennia. From the First Peoples to Western Scientists–anyone with a keen eye for interpreting the natural world knows it is special. But we do not yet understand it all. In fact, in 2022—right before the publication of the book—a new genus of wingless stonefly was documented in a single, high-elevation spring. There are many more examples of what is newly understood but the lesson this should teach us is there is so much more to understand and steward.
To learn more from Michael Kauffmann about the wonders of the Klamath Mountains, pick up a copy of The Klamath Mountains: A Natural History from your local bookstore.
June 23rd, 2022: The Wild Rogue Conservation and Recreation Enhancement Act (H.R. 7509) had its first hearing in a Congressional subcommittee and was well received!
Establishes a 98,000-acre public lands National Recreation Area on the banks of the Rogue River in Southwest Oregon.
Expands the Wild Rogue Wilderness by 59,000 acres to safeguard the largest forested Bureau of Land Management roadless area in the country
Conservation advocates and public lands lovers have worked for a long time to see the beloved Rogue River and its surrounding wildlands preserved from destructive mining, reckless road-building, and misguided logging projects. Despite the area’s breathtaking beauty, abundant recreation opportunities, and critical fish and wildlife habitat, it has long been treated as just another place for extraction and exploitation.
Thanks to passionate activists and supporters like you who have kept the pressure on, we have an opportunity to enact long-sought-after protections. The expansion of the Wild Rogue Wilderness and National Recreation Area has already been moving through the Senate thanks to Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley.
What this means for:
Wildlife: This large, unroaded river corridor is a vital migration route between inland and coastal habitats. Northern spotted owl, northern bald eagle, osprey, cougar, bear, and Roosevelt elk are just a few of the species that call this area home.
Forests: Wilderness designation will safeguard carbon-storing old-growth forests, as well as prohibit commercial logging and road-building projects that would degrade the landscape and increase fire risk.
Fish: This roadless area is also an important area for sturgeon, steelhead as well as Chinook and Coho salmon. Rivers covered by this legislation will prohibit new mining claims and dam construction that threaten fish spawning and habitat.
Recreation: The Wild Rogue is already known for its world-class hiking, fishing, kayaking, and rafting opportunities. National Recreation Area designation will help the Bureau of Land Management focus on enhancing recreation opportunities and public safety, like establishing evacuation routes and addressing fire risk.
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